Monday, August 6, 2012

Sikhs reel after 'senseless' attack: We're not 'Taliban'

By Becky Bratu, NBC News

Updated at 1:08 p.m. ET: As details emerged from the scene of a shooting at a Sikh temple in southern Wisconsin, Sikhs around the country mourned the loss of their fellow believers, saying they are misunderstood minority.

"We are pretty sure that this is a hate crime because there is so much ignorance and people mistake us either being Taliban, or being part of Bin Laden?s network, or al-Qaida because of our turbans and beards," Rajwa Singh of the Guru Gobind Singh Foundation in Rockville, Md.,?told The center held a special prayer Sunday for those killed in Wisconsin.

In New York, Sikhs gathered Sunday evening to mourn and try to make sense of the murderous attack.

"You cannot imagine how we loss, how we suffer," Gurdev Singh Kang, president of the Sikh Cultural Society in Richmond Hill, Queens, told

Kang said the uncle of the society's chairman was among those killed in Wisconsin, where a gunman opened fire Sunday morning at a temple outside Milwaukee,?killing?six people and wounding at least three others, including a police officer.

Alleged gunman, 'Jack Boot,' led neo-Nazi punk band

A police officer?called to the scene killed the gunman before he could fire on even more worshipers.

The alleged gunman was?identified?Monday as Wade Michael Page, 40, a military veteran who served in the Army from April 1992 through October 1998. Page is the former leader of a neo-Nazi music group called End Apathy, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Sikhism, which emerged in central India and the Punjab region of India in the 16th century, dubs itself a "progressive religion." The Sikhs stress the oneness of God, emphasize the full equality of women and reject distinctions of creed, race or sex. Community service is also an integral part of Sikhism. According to the Association of Religion Data Archives, there are about 612,560 adherents in North America.

Male Sikhs grow thick beards and cover their heads with turbans. They are often misunderstood, labeled terrorists or mistaken for Muslims. Harassment against them has grown since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.?

Jeffrey Phelps / AP

A gunman opened fire Sunday morning at a Sikh temple outside of Milwaukee, killing six people and wounding at least three others, including a police officer, before being shot to death, authorities said.

Shortly after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh gas station owner in Mesa, Ariz., was killed apparently because of his turban and his faith by an assailant who associated him with the terrorist attacks.

The Sikh Coalition, a community-based organization tackling discrimination, was founded in New York City on 9/11 as a response to the backlash violence experienced by Sikhs around the country. According to the organization?s website, an elderly Sikh and two teenagers were attacked in Queens that same night in ?reprisal? attacks.

In a 2011 report to Congress on school bullying, the organization noted that "roughly half to over three-quarters of Sikh students" are targeted for bullying, harassment, or violence in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area.

New Jersey resident Prabhujeet Singh, a software programmer, said several children have called him "Osama," reported, and a drunk man confronted him in a grocery store, calling him the same name and growing violent.

Photoblog: Sikhs at the Golden Temple, their holiest shrine

"That turban has tragically marked us as automatically suspect, perpetually foreign and potentially terrorists," Valarie Kaur, a filmmaker who has chronicled attacks on Sikhs in the 2006 documentary "Divided We Fall," told the AP.

"We are experiencing it as a hate crime," she added. "Every Sikh American today is hurting, grieving and afraid."

Authorities said they were investigating the Wisconsin temple assault as an act of domestic terrorism. Sikh leadership condemned the attack, adding that U.S.-based adherents should consider adopting increased security measures at their places of worship, called gurdwaras.

"It is a highly unfortunate incident which has taken place in America leaving six innocent devotees dead. This is a security lapse on the part of U.S. government," Giani Gurbachan Singh, the head priest of Akal Takht, the highest Sikh temporal seat, told The Times of India. A delegation was sent to the United States to investigate the attack, he added.

According to The Associated Press, India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, also a member of the Sikh faith, called the assault a "dastardly?attack."

"That this senseless act of violence should be targeted at a place of religious worship is particularly painful," he said in a statement, according to the AP.

New York police said they would be deploying critical response vehicles as a precaution in addition to stepping up patrols at Sikh temples.

"That was miles and miles away," Gursharan Bharth said outside a temple in Flushing, Queens. "For a cop to come here and check on us to make sure we're okay, just kind of shows me that we live in New York and New York is a place where yes people rub shoulders and don't get along all the time, but we stand together still." and contributed to this report.


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Sunday, August 5, 2012

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A history of high-performance Olympic uniforms

8 hrs.

In the beginning, there was cotton

When Thomas Burke won the first Olympic 100-meter dash in 1896, he was wearing a cotton t-shirt and shorts, not that different from what you'd see in a modern-day gym class. But when sprinters step the mark this week, they'll be outfitted in computer-modeled sneakers and wind-tunnel-tested polyurethane, some of the most advanced fabrics money can buy.

But let's start at the beginning.

As the 19th century drew to a close, there was good reason to use cotton. As natural fabrics go, it's hard to do better. The individual fibers of cotton have a naturally winding helix shape, which gives the resulting fabric an unusual amount of stretch. That means you can keep uniforms trim enough to be aerodynamic without restricting a hurdler's range of motion. Cotton's also very breathable, given a light enough weave. On the downside, it holds a lot of sweat, so the runners were often soaked by the end of the race.

Nylon arrives

Nylon was first developed by DuPont in 1935, but the synthetic fabric didn't make it to the Olympics until 1948, via the first nylon bathing suits. Almost immediately, it was hard to imagine swimming without nylon. The material itself is made up of long carbon chains that don't absorb nearly as much water as a vegetable-based compound like cotton. That means there's less weight to hold a swimmer back, and a more frictionless way to move through the pool.

The cleat

Track shoes got lighter and lighter, helped in part by a new reliance on nylon uppers (that's the "upper" half of the shoe; everything that isn't the laces or the sole), but a bigger change came in 1968 with the shift from cinder tracks to the spongy synthetic surface you see on most modern tracks. Spikes got shorter and the soft tracks allowed shoemakers to use thinner soles that made shoes even lighter.

Going barefoot

That's assuming you need shoes at all. Ethiopia's Abebe Bikila won the Olympic marathon barefoot in 1960, and barefoot partisans have been using him as a talking point ever since. Barefoot advocates are a vocal group in the running world, claiming that less cushioning encourages bad form. It's been shown that the cushioning of a running shoe can cause a runner to strike the ground harder and shift their weight more towards the heel, both of which can be problematic in a single race and in the long term. Otherwise, the science is mostly a wash. Barefoot runners still pop up in the Olympics from time to time ? most recently, Kenya's Tegla Loroupe, who ran barefoot in the marathon and 10k in 2000 ? but it's hard to say if it provides an advantage.

The runner's singlet

By the 1970s, synthetics had worked their way into running uniforms and the split between distance runners and sprinters became more pronounced. Marathoners opted for sweat-wicking singlets, designed to be as light as possible without absorbing the moisture (and weight) of sweat. Speed runners were more concerned with aerodynamics, which meant a shift to form-fitting speed suits that kept the runner's profile as slim as possible. By keeping the fabric taut, they could make sure the path of air around the body wouldn't be obstructed by wrinkles or loose flaps of fabric. Sprinters wouldn't get into more structurally advanced fabrics until recent games, but they were already thinking aerodynamically.

Nike Swift

Computer modeling opened up a whole new era in materials science, and for Olympic runners, that meant the advent of wearable fabrics so smooth they create less air friction than human skin. The Nike Swift uniforms in 2008 are a prime example, with friction-reducing sheaths on the parts of the body that move the most, like the calves and forearms. The sheaths were made from 3M's Scotchlite material, a fabric composed of thousands of powder-like beads, and more often seen in reflective strips like this. This was the first time the material had been used for aerodynamics, but tests revealed it reduced air friction by up to 55 percent. Also, it made sprinters look like extras in "Tron."

The Speedo LZR

The Speedo LZR is the most effective hi-tech uniform the Olympics has seen ? so effective that it led swimmers to break 130 world records in the 17 months after its Bejing debut, and was subsequently banned from the sport. There had been hydrodynamic suits before, but the LZR also compressed its wearer's upper body (creating an even more hydrodynamic shape) and added buoyancy. In areas like the upper legs in which swimmers don't need a wide range of motion, the LZR sacrificed flexibility for sheer speed by replacing the fabric with stiffer planks of polyurethane that lowered drag by 24 percent.

The Nike Flyknit

Newly emerged from a four-year development process, the U.S. team's new shoe for 2012 is Nike's Flyknit, which is woven together for a flexible, socklike feel. The shoe relies on a lightweight polyester yarn for its upper, but a lot of the technology here is in the construction rather than the materials. All the internal construction of the shoe, from the tongue to the structured fit, was accomplished using a network of knit cables of varying elasticity. The shoe is knit together rather than stitched and glued, which makes it a full 20 percent lighter than the shoes marathoners wore at the last Games ? a size 9 is just 5.6 ounces. You'll see it on the feet of U.S. marathoners in this year's games, and Adidas is already supplying its athletes with a similar shoe dubbed Primeknit.

The Nike TurboSpeed

For 2012, Nike unveiled the TurboSpeed, the most advanced speed suit they've ever produced (at least until the next one). Instead of trying to make the fabric as smooth as possible, Nike added golf-ball-esque dimples to the surface of the polyester, after extensive wind-tunnel research revealed them to be more aerodynamic. They say they'll shave .023 seconds off a runner's time in the 100m dash. If true, it could easily be the difference between bronze and gold.

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Schwarzenegger says sports zeal landed him in brig

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.?? Arnold Schwarzenegger was so eager to start his bodybuilding career that he briefly ended up in an Austrian military brig, the actor and former California governor said Friday.

He was 18 and serving a mandated year with the army in his native Austria in the mid-1960s when he snuck out of camp for the Junior Mr. Europe contest in Germany, Schwarzenegger told a meeting of TV critics.

He won the contest but also earned two or three days in the army jail, Schwarzenegger said. But military officials felt "uncomfortable" and he was released, he said.

Schwarzenegger, 65, is the subject of a new ESPN Films documentary, "Arnold?s Blueprint," set to debut Sept. 26 on the ESPN website It?s one of a series of short documentaries that will be available online.

His army superiors ended up supporting his bodybuilding efforts, he said: They created a makeshift gym for him and helped him get the food he needed to pack on 25 pounds of muscle in a year.

Schwarzenegger, who went on to parlay titles including Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe into a Hollywood career, said his drive to be an athlete helped him during his seven-year tenure as governor that ended in 2011.

When he began pursuing bodybuilding as a youth, he recalled, his parents dismissed his activities as self-indulgent and suspect.

But "I had a very clear vision of where I wanted to go," Schwarzenegger said, including America and movie stardom.

When he encountered resistance to his political goals, he had the ability to ignore cries of "no, no, no, it?s impossible," he said.

"I never saw a ?no? as a ?no.? I always heard ?yes,"? he said, speaking to the Television Critics Association at the final session of the group?s summer meeting.

Schwarzenegger, who has resumed his post-Sacramento acting career, is starring with Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis in the newly released "The Expendables 2."




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Saturday, August 4, 2012

GOP Flexes Muscle as Ad Spending Nears Half-Billion Mark

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and outside groups that support him will spend more than twice as much as President Obama's campaign on television advertising this week, according to sources watching the advertising market. But Obama is making down payments on the future, spending tens of millions of dollars on advertising that won't run until September and October.

Republicans will spend a total of $30.3 million on television advertising this week. More than two-thirds of that money will come from Restore Our Future, a Romney-backing super PAC; Crossroads GPS, a 501(c)(4) organization that doesn't have to disclose its donors; and the Republican National Committee. Romney's campaign itself is spending $8.75 million, the data show.

Obama's campaign is spending $13.6 million on ads running in nine states this week, while Priorities USA Action, a pro-Obama super PAC, will drop another $1 million into five battleground states.

Battleground Ad Spending

Both sides continue to spend most heavily in Ohio and Florida. The two states account for $15 million in ad spending this week, a third of the total amount spent this week. Voters in Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and North Carolina all will see more than $3 million in advertising this week.

But Obama's team has already purchased $64 million in advertisements that will run between Sept. 1 and Election Day. The president's campaign has locked in $5.2 million in television space during the four weeks after Labor Day, and a much higher $7.4 million per week during the month of October.

The early spending is going to grow as the campaign winds to a close, but buying early allows the campaign to purchase advertisements at lower rates than will be available late in the game. American Crossroads, the super PAC arm of the mega-donor organization, has also purchased millions in late advertising, although Romney's campaign has not yet.

To date, the two sides have purchased $457 million in television advertising. Voters in Florida and Ohio have each seen more than $88 million in advertising, while Virginia voters have seen over $63 million in television spots.

There are early signs of changing strategies as campaigns shift resources between states. Obama's campaign is spending less in Pennsylvania this week than it has in recent weeks, a sign that the campaign's confidence in winning the state is on the rise. A Quinnipiac University survey conducted for CBS and The New York Times released this week showed Obama leading Romney by 11 points in the Keystone State.

Republicans are finally making a play for Wisconsin, returning to a state in which voters have already been subjected to tens of millions of dollars in political advertising thanks to a gubernatorial recall election earlier this year. This week, Restore Our Future is spending nearly half a million dollars on new advertising in the Badger State, while the RNC will invest a much smaller $30,000. Democrats have not spent much money in Wisconsin, and party strategists say their private polling shows Obama leading Romney by a margin somewhere in the high single digits.

But across the board, the Republican spending advantage is making itself clear. Of the nine states in which Obama is advertising this week, Republicans are spending twice as much or more in eight ? Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. In Ohio, the one state where the ratio is less than 2-to-1, Romney and his allies still have the edge, dropping $5.25 million compared with $3.1 million the Democrats are spending.

The two wings of the Crossroads organizations have spent more than any other outside group, and by a wide margin. Factoring in this week's spending and the late reservations, American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS have spent a combined $105 million on paid advertising. That's more than twice the $51 million Romney's campaign has spent.

Obama's campaign has spent a total $215 million to date ??more than two-thirds of the $307 million the campaign has raised so far. Some of that spending has been in conjunction with the Democratic National Committee, which is allowed to spend about $20 million in direct coordination with its presidential candidate.

Any amount over the $20 million must be spent by an independent expenditure unit that is walled off and unable to coordinate with the candidate. The RNC has now spent more than $15 million in independent advertising, a sign they have far more in the bank than the amount they are allowed to directly coordinate with Romney.


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The Politics of Prison, Throwing Badminton, and Romney?s Frightening Foreign Policy

?Going Postal: Tomorrow?s $5.5 billion default is the beginning of the end for the U.S. Postal Service. It?s time to privatize it,? by?Matthew Yglesias. It was neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night that broke the back of the U.S. Postal Service: Wednesday, it defaulted on a payment to cover retiree health costs, a move that reveals the dysfunction in the Postal Service?s financial structure. Instead of continuing with business as usual, Yglesias argues that it?s time for the Postal Service to take the leap into the private sector.


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Friday, August 3, 2012

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US factory orders fell 0.5 percent in June

(AP) ? Companies placed fewer orders with U.S. factories in June from May, signaling further weakness with manufacturing.

The Commerce Department said Thursday that factory orders fell 0.5 percent in June, the third decline in four months.

Orders for core capital goods, considered a good proxy for business investment, dropped 1.7 percent. Demand fell for heavy machinery, computers and autos.

Manufacturing, a key source of growth in the U.S. since the recession ended in June 2009, has weakened in recent months along with the broader economy.

U.S. consumers and businesses have cut back on spending, which has lowered demand for factory goods. Europe's economic woes and slower growth in China, India and Brazil have also reduced demand for American exports.

U.S. manufacturing shrank for the second straight month in July, according to a survey by a trade group of purchasing managers.

"The recent softness in manufacturing activity and capital spending is likely to continue, at least for several more months," said Steven Wood, chief economist at Insight Economics.

U.S. factory orders in June totaled $465.8 billion, up 42.5 percent from the recession low hit in March 2009.

Demand for long-lasting goods, items such as autos and airplanes, increased 1.3 percent in June. Demand for non-durable goods such as petroleum products, fell 2 percent.

The rise in durable goods was driven by a surge in volatile demand for commercial aircraft, which jumped 14.2 percent. Orders for motor vehicles and parts fell 0.7 percent, the second decline in the past three months.

Orders for machinery fell 2.1 percent, reflecting declines in demand for metal working machinery and electric turbines. Demand for computers and other electronic products dropped 4.4 percent.

The fall in nondurable goods reflected declines in demand for textiles, chemicals and petroleum products.

Overall economic growth slowed to an annual rate of just 1.5 percent in the April-June quarter, down from an already lackluster 2 percent growth rate in the January-March quarter.

The economy isn't growing fast enough to lower the unemployment rate.

The Labor Department reports on July unemployment and job growth Friday. Economists predict employers added 100,000 jobs last month. That would be slightly better than the 75,000 a month average from April through June but still below the healthy 226,000 average in the first three months of the year. The unemployment rate is expected to stay at 8.2 percent.

The Federal Reserve cited the weaker growth in a statement Wednesday in which Fed officials repeated a pledge to try to boost growth in hiring remains weak. The Fed statement noted that growth has slowed in the first half of the year with job creating slackening and consumer spending tapering off.

Many economists believe the Fed will launch another round of bond buying at its September meeting in an effort to give the economy a boost by pushing long-term interest rates lower.

Associated Press


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caret terminable: Fitness kit I&#39;ve tested this week: Nova Detox ...

Morning! As I?m sitting here sipping on a green drink packed with superfoods, I thought I?d tell you about it in the form of this week?s Fitness kit I?ve tested?

Health supplements company Nova Detox offered to send me a couple of products to test. Nova?s nutrition products and alternative health supplements looked to be really good quality, with many of them being made from organic ingredients (and the prices are great too), so I said sure!

The first thing I tried out was their organic green superfood powder, GreeNourish. Now, I love me a good greens powder and have become a convert over the past year or so. So I was excited to test this one. What I liked about the description is that it?s not just a greens powder (with all the nutrients and vitamins you get from greens) but it?s also a protein powder too ? ideal as a dietary supplement.

The ingredients (which include pre-sprouted barley, wheatgrass, barley grass, quinoa, spirulina, kelp, acai, flaxseed, alfalfa and spinach ? holy nutritional powerhouse!) are certified organic and this powder is almost completely gluten-free (0.28% gluten). It contains all of the 8 essential amino acids and it?s got lots of lovely soluble fibre and fatty acids. Greens powders are a great way to get a high dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in a highly bio-available form.

Yes but what about the taste! Truly? It?s lovely. I eat it off the spoon. It?s gentle, and almost creamy. Yes it?s ?green? but that?s not a bad thing. I recommend it ? give it a try. It?s ?19 for the tub (and believe me it will last for ages because you don?t need much).

Nutritional stats per 10g:
7.2g carbs (1.2g sugars)
1.2g protein
0.8g fat
1.3g fibre

I also tried the Dietary Fibre Complex. I?m a big fan of taking fibre as a supplement, in capsule or powder form, and I tend to rotate the fibre I take every week or so. It definitely makes a difference to my fat loss when I?m prepping for contest and I know a lot of other competitors use this approach too. What I liked about Nova?s high fibre supplements is that it contains a great blend of lots of different fibres, including psyllium husk and seed, flaxseed powder, fenugreek powder and apple pectin (amongst other colon-friendly ingredients!) I can report that, yes, this fibre supplement works and that I?d recommend you follow the suggestion about taking it before bed! I?m used to fibre supps but I can imagine this one ? effective as it is ? might be quite strong for some people and you?d want it to be doing its thing whilst your body is resting in bed. Having said that, the dosage instructions do advise a low dose to begin with.

Yours, with a healthy colon? ;)

Fitness kit I?ve tested this week: Nova Detox health supplements is a post from The Fit Writer blog.

Nicola Joyce ? the Fit Writer ? is a freelance copywriter and journalist who writes for the sport and fitness industry. Her main website is here.


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Thursday, August 2, 2012

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New spiral galaxy image shows pair of supernovae

The European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile captured a very detailed image of a galaxy that hosted two supernova explosions within the past 30 years.

By Staff,? / August 1, 2012

This picture taken with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope shows the spiral galaxy NGC 1187, which lies about 60 million light-years away in the constellation of Eridanus (The River). NGC 1187 has hosted two supernova explosions during the last thirty years, the latest one in 2007.



A scintillating spiral galaxy that played host to two supernova explosions in the past 30 years takes center stage in a new image captured by a telescope in Chile's high desert.

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The galaxy NGC 1187 is located about 60 million light-years away, in the constellation of Eridanus (The River). The European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile captured the most detailed image of this impressive spiral galaxy.

Two separate supernovas have exploded within NGC 1187 since 1982, with the latest one occurring in 2007, ESO officials said in a statement. Supernovas are violent explosions that occur when a star has reached the end of its life. These blasts are some of the most energetic events throughout the universe, and can briefly outshine entire galaxies before they fade away over the course of several weeks or months.

In fact, during the explosion, supernovas can radiate energy comparable to the amount the sun is expected to emit over the course of its entire life, according to ESO officials in an announcement unveiling the new image today (Aug. 1).

The first supernova found in NGC 1187, officially called SN 1982R, was detected in October 1982 at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile's Atacama Desert. The second one, called SN 2007Y, was spotted by amateur astronomer Berto Monard in South Africa in 2007. [Amazing Pictures of Supernovas in Deep Space]

Astronomers studied SN 2007Y in great detail, and monitored the supernova using several different telescopes for about a year. This newly released image of NGC 1187 was created from observations that were taken from this roughly year-long study.

Supernova SN 2007Y can even be seen, long after the period of its maximum brightness, near the bottom of the image, ESO officials said.

The photo shows NGC 1187 almost face-on, which offers a clear view of the galaxy's mesmerizing spiral structure. Roughly half a dozen wispy spiral arms can clearly be seen, with bluish specks indicating the presence of stars being born from the clouds of gas and interstellar dust.

The central region of the galaxy is made up of old stars, gas and dust, and can be seen glowing yellow in the new image. NGC 1187 has a subtle central bar structure at its heart, which is thought to help channel gas from the spiral arms to the galactic center, spurring star formation in that region.

In the backdrop, fainter and more distant galaxies can be spotted, including some bright ones that are so luminous they even shine through the disk of NGC 1187. The reddish glow of these other galaxies can be picked out from the pale blue star clusters of NGC 1187.

The spiral galaxy NGC 1187 was discovered by the famed British astronomer William Herschel in 1784.

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My Two Mites: Review of Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education

Photo of the cover of Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education from
?The true purpose of Christian education is to prepare young people for a complete life under the lordship of Jesus Christ.? This definition of the purpose of Christian education from the back of Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education, by Albert E. Greene, is just as good as any and gives the reader of the book insight into what he or she is about to learn and discover about reclaiming the future of Christian education.

A quick summary of Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education is found in the introduction, which states, ?This book is about developing a new, transformed conscious- ness?a biblical consciousness?through teaching children in Christian homes, churches, and schools.?

Within the pages of this important and valuable book, Albert E. Greene explores Christian education and its future through looking at education?s past through the lenses of the following sections in Part I, Understanding The Times: The Enlightenment and Postmodernism, An Alternative Consciousness, Teaching and Learning God, and Praise and Thanksgiving.

This first section, Understanding The Times, begins with defining and unpacking education as it relates to the enlightenment and postmodernism. These two schools of thought have influenced the student?s, as well as the educator?s, thinking and have shaped education more than we may realize. As Greene laments in the introduction, ?Our thinking is thoroughly adulterated by Enlightenment concepts. It is as polluted as the most victimized parts of our physical environment (Greene, p. VII).?

The idea that science is the highest form of truth to the neglect of ethics and morals is examined in looking at The Enlightenment. And in inspecting postmodernism, relativism, the lack of absolute truth, individual happiness, and the creation of meaning is explored. These modes of thinking clearly affect the student and the educator and cloud a true Christian worldview that we should be seeking to live, to learn, and to teach from.

In the section An Alternative Consciousness, the need for an alternative to the thinking of the enlightenment and postmodernism is presented and described. The problem that is being addressed here is the reality that ??we have privatized our religion as we have secularized our culture (Religion and American Education, p. 61).? Thus the Christian church is heavily involved in dualism (p. 27).? This ?third way,? or ?alternative consciousness,? champions a Biblical worldview and seeks to facilitate ?a renewed Christian culture.?

The emphasis in this section is on the truth that all of education and study concerns itself with the ?stuff? of God?s own creation. If the student is to properly understand anything in this created order, he or she must understand God, The Creator. Greene declares that the nature of truth is unified in God and that truth is a person, Jesus Christ. Greene says, ?The Christian mind denies the possibility of a distinction between secular and spiritual truth because it realizes that every created thing reveals God and thus cannot be isolated from ?the facts.??

Greene also declares, ?Knowing God in and through the creation is what is important, and students must be helped to explore the creation along the lines of their own gifts.? Greene stresses, ?If we seriously intend to reawaken as a church to the biblical view of life and reality, we dare not fail to train our children, whether in Christian schools or in Christian home schools, in a transformed, biblical consciousness.? In other words, we must return to a biblical worldview.

Greene writes in chapter 4, Teaching and Learning and God, ?[Created things] are laden with meaning because they are all part of God?s way of giving Himself to us. We refuse our birthright and willfully go about as paupers if we insist on regarding ordinary things as unholy (p. 45).? As Greene goes on to assert in chapter 5, Praise and Thanksgiving, we should be full of worship, praise and thanksgiving for God?s revelation to us in His creation, which teaches us about God Himself.

Part 2, A Basic Christian Philosophy, assesses a basic Christian philosophy in these sections: A Christian Philosophy, The Word of God, Creation, Anthropology, Knowledge, Values and Beauty, and Idolatry, Dualism, and Gnosticism.

According to Greene, we cannot underestimate the value of a solid foundation in Christian education. We must begin with God?s word and a Biblical worldview if we are going to maintain the integrity and stability of Christian schooling. This worldview is best considered in terms of ?A Christian Philosophy,? as worldview is more unconscious in our thinking.

In considering a Christian philosophy, Greene considers the Greek worldview, or philosophy, which states that the physical world is evil and should be transcended. We understand and see this view as Gnosticism and it is addressed in many of Paul?s New Testament letters. Greene also addresses this heresy, which stems from the Greek philosophical worldview, which plagued the early church and still threatens the Christian worldview today. Greene comparably looks at the Hebrew philosophy, which sates God is active in creation while still being transcendent and separate from His creation.

Greene emphasizes the threat that postmodernism poses the church and education. This relativism and lack of a Biblical view of truth has radically undermined a Christian and Biblical worldview. Green states, ?As we enter the twenty-first century, the powerful current of postmodernism is sweeping Western thought. Postmodernism not only denies absolute truth and value but now undermines confidence in the independent existence of human personality itself (p. 70).?

In seeking out a Christian philosophy, Greene asserts that Christians are to have a holistic and comprehensive view of reality, truth, knowledge, and wisdom. Greene is emphatic in the idea that to be Christian, is to be a philosopher. He says, ?The New Testament is no less emphatic that Christians are to seek and love wisdom. In this sense to be a Christian is, by definition, to be a philosopher (p. 73).? Philosophy and the pursuit of truth and knowledge is not just a secular pursuit, it is a Christian one as well. The false dualism and dichotomies that separate knowledge, wisdom, and philosophy from the gospel truths of Christianity are simply false, un-Biblical, and un-Christian. Christ is, indeed, Lord of all knowledge and of everything.

The Word of God must also be looked at as we discuss education, science and philosophy. The word of God is the Bible, but it is more than the Bible. Scriptures speak to us the words of God, and so does creation. As Eugene Peterson puts it, ?The word of God constitutes the total reality in which we find ourselves.? However, many Christians have fallen back into the gnostic heresy that creation is somehow evil and does not speak of God or communicate the wisdom of God. We must get beyond this without falling into creation worship, or idolatry. Again Petersen asserts, ?The total reality that we inhabit is the Word of the living God (p. 89).? As it says in Acts 17:28, ?In Him we live and move and have our being.?

In a Christian worldview, the study of humanity, or anthropology, is looked at through the lens of creation, fall, and redemption. Some scholars also add restoration here as a fourth category through which to understand the human condition and hope. It is from this view of a Christian philosophy, the Word of God, creation, and anthropology that Greene launches into the study of knowledge, values and beauty, and idolatry, and dualism and Gnosticism in the remaining sections of part 2.

The next section of Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education, Content in Christian Schooling, Part 3, addresses the essence of the Christian schooling content in the following sections: Creation and Covenant, Meaning Restored to School Studies, Human Experience and School Subjects, More Aspects and School Subjects, and The Normed Subjects.

Part 4, Methods in Christian Schooling, gives the reader more practical tools and tips for Christian Education through these subsequent topics: Walking by the Spirit, The Place of Love in Learning, Hospitality in Teaching, Freedom to Teach Through Self-Knowledge, Meaningful Teaching, and Community in the Christian School.

Methods in Christian Schooling may be one of the more helpful, or at least practical, sections of Greene?s book. Stressing the importance of walking by God?s Spirit and functioning out of a place of love, hospitality, self-knowledge, and community cannot be underestimated in the makeup of what constitutes God-honoring and meaningful teaching in Christian education.

Greene states, ?Christian teaching should, above all, be meaningful. This means the learning should come to be associated in the student?s mind with the knowledge of God . . . (p. 259)? Greene says, ?Love and learning must go together (p. 234).? In loving God, we also love knowledge. It is in God that we learn and it is in Him that education has meaning and purpose and learning takes place holistically.

Hospitality also plays an essential role for the educator and for the learner alike. As Henri Nouwen is quoted by Greene, ?When we look at teaching in terms of hospitality, we can say that the teacher is called upon to create for his students a free and fearless space where mental and emotional development can take place (Reaching Out, p. 60) (p. 237).? And as Greene himself put it, ?Mutual love is the key ingredient in true community (p. 267).?

It is in this milieu of understanding the times, having a basic Christian philosophy, understanding the content of Christian schooling, and operating out of these methods, of walking by God?s Spirit and functioning out of a place of love, hospitality, and self-knowledge in education, that we will have meaningful reclamation of Christian education.

Albert Greene ends Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education with an insightful conclusion that pulls together his thoughts, ideas, concepts, and tips for reclaiming the future of Christian education. Greene states at the end of the book, that there are three goals for Christian education: ?The first is reconciling, or reuniting, creation and redemption. The second is encouraging reconciled lives that give visibility to the Christian worldview of creation, fall, and redemption. The third is nurturing students in such a way that through the school studies their awe, love, praise, and service to God are deepened (p. 273).?

Stating this even more simply in his conclusion, Greene goes on to state, ?The distinctive goal of Christian school is to use the curriculum as a means to help students grow in the reconciliation of creation and redemption, in their expression in life of a Christian worldview, and in their knowledge of God (p. 279).?

Also included at the end of Reclaiming The Future of Christian Education are a bibliography for further research and reference and a topical index for further study and exploration of the ideas, concepts and tips presented in the book.

Reclaiming The Future of Christian Education is a very helpful book on Christian education with philosophical and historic background of the record and philosophy of education. This book also contains very practical insights and tips on how to be better educators who help to reclaim the future of Christian education. This book has valuable contributions to the conversation about Christian education and philosophy and is well worth the investment of time and resources to read.

Bibliography, this article was first published in Examiner here.

Greene, Albert E., Reclaiming The Future of Christian Education: A Transforming Vision. Purposeful Design Publications, Colorado Springs, CO. ? 1998

PDF Book excerpt of Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education:

Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education on Amazon:


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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

15 killed as Yemen forces, gunmen battle in Sanaa

A firefight between Yemeni security forces and gunmen dressed in police uniforms killed 15 people and wounded 43 at the interior ministry in Sanaa on Tuesday, medical and security officials said.

"The number of dead has increased to 15, in addition to 43 wounded," a medic said, while a security official confirmed the toll, saying it included one dead civilian.

The rest of the dead were gunmen or soldiers, including members of the First Armoured Division, which had dispatched a company to protect the ministry, the official said, adding that 16 soldiers were also captured by the gunmen who took control of the ministry.

The gunmen had worked unofficially in Yemen's police during the rule of now ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who stepped down in February after a year of protests.

They have been surrounding the ministry since Sunday demanding that they be enrolled back into the force.

They stormed the ministry in the afternoon, backed by members of the central security services, which remains under the leadership of Saleh's nephew, Yahya Mohammed Abdullah Saleh, a police official said.

"They took control of the ministry," the official said.

The exchange of Kalashnikov fire was heard intermittently throughout the day, witnesses said.

The gunmen had served in the ranks of the Yemeni police when it was led by Mohammed Abdullah al-Qawsi during Saleh's rule, security officials told AFP.

Qawsi had promised to enrol them officially before President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi sacked him in May.

The gunmen stormed the ministry on Sunday and held a sit-in before setting a two-day ultimatum for officials to meet their demands, that include compensation payments as well as being taken on officially.

Last year's uprising in Yemen ended when Saleh signed a Gulf-brokered agreement under which he agreed to transfer power to Hadi.

Under the terms of the agreement, Hadi is tasked with restructuring the military and security apparatus, which had been controlled by officials with close ties to Saleh and accused of corruption.

The clashes in the Al-Hasaba neighbourhood triggered tension across north Sanaa which was the scene of fierce clashes last year between Saleh partisans and tribemen loyal to powerful tribal chief Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar.

Witnesses said armed tribesmen were deployed in the area on Monday.


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Law and Politics Book Review: CRIMES AGAINST THE STATE ...

by Michael Head. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2011. 310pp. Cloth $119.95. ISBN 978-0-7546-7819-9.

Reviewed by Roger A. Shiner, Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia Okanagan and Okanagan College. E-mail: roger.shiner [at]


Michael Head is Professor of Law and Director of Research in the School of Law, University of Western Sydney in Australia. As Head puts it: ?this volume reviews in some detail what are generally classified as crimes against the state or against the nation ? subversion, rebellion, treason, mutiny, espionage, sedition, terrorism, riot and unlawful assembly ? in several comparable countries with English-derived legal systems, primarily the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia? (p.1). Canada and New Zealand get some mentions as well. The structure of the book is straightforward: an introductory chapter on ?What are ?Crimes against the State??, two chapters to whet the reader?s appetite on the historical origins of the received legal doctrine in the U.K., and on the readiness with which in the U.S., despite a fervent ideological and constitutional commitment to free speech, the latter has been regularly thrown under the bus to protect political power. Then there are seven chapters discussing the individual crimes against the state, and a concluding chapter summarizing Head?s findings.

Methodologically, the book is legal history, a history of the way that the doctrinal category of ?crimes against the state? has been used in courts of law in the past few hundred years in the countries in question. However, the book is legal history of a particular kind ? legal history with a specific political orientation and theoretical basis. Head puts his cards on the table early on. In a subsection of Chapter 1 beginning on page 5, ?Conceptualizing Crimes Against the State?, we meet in short order Engels? analysis of the nature of the state, Lenin?s views on the undemocratic character of contemporary democracies, Trotsky?s account of how states behave in times of economic crisis, and Pashukanis? account of the essentially economic nature of the state. The essence of law, Head asserts, is for it to be ?ultimately a reflection of the interests of the most powerful in society? (p.7). Legal doctrine is never applied neutrally: ?prosecutions of crimes against the state have been intimately bound up with the political agendas and requirements of those wielding power, both legal and socio-economic? (p.1).

Politicized analyses of the law are in themselves not news. Head makes two claims for the originality and importance of his book ? first, that there is no other book examining systematically the concept of crimes against the state; second, that these crimes as crimes receive very little attention in conventional criminal law treatises. As far as my experience goes, he is correct in these claims. Head also makes a further, more specific, claim to originality in that, in contrast to other scholarly analyses of crimes against the state, he has identified two previously unnoticed recurrent patterns in the historical record ? that ?the authorities and the courts have regarded perceived threats to the established order to be far more serious when they (1) involve the working class and (2) call into question the right or ability of the state to mobilise armed force, including the military, to put down civil unrest? (p.22). In particular, throughout the book, as befits a legal scholar, Head emphasizes the complicity of the courts in the processes of repression and oppression he discusses. In a sense, one would expect any actual government to find it hard to be impartial about deciding when there is a threat to the national interest, or a crime committed against the state. But courts are allegedly ?forums of principle?, to use Ronald Dworkin?s well-known phrase, and surely we can expect to find impartiality there. Sadly, not so, according to Head?s analysis. It goes without saying that there are regular references to the behaviour of governments since September 11th 2001, and the effect of the global economic crisis of 2007 on how governments conceive of national security.

In a short review I can do no more than give the flavour of Head?s approach and analysis. I will set out the argument of one chapter to serve as an example, Chapter 3 on Insurrection, Rebellion and Unlawful Association. The chapter begins (pp.65-68) by reviewing the historical basis for a people?s right of revolution. However, Head points out (p.68) the essential contradiction that this right has always existed alongside a presumed right of self-preservation on the part of the state, and so has been less effective than one might think. In recent history (pp.71ff.), Head argues, the right of revolution has been used to uphold the legality of various military or military-backed coups, with an eye to the protection of underlying economic interests. On page 75 he turns to insurrection and rebellion. He discusses the overtly political character of the use of the terms in the English Civil War in the seventeenth century (pp.75-76). He discusses (pp.76-77) the sweepingly broad language of the U.S. statutes criminalizing those who advocate the overthrow of the government. He highlights their use to suppress the Socialist Workers Party and other advocates of revolutionary Marxism. On page 81 Head turns to Australia. He discusses the prosecution of the participants in the Eureka Stockade miners? rebellion in 1854, and argues that clearly the courts here were acting simply as agents of the government. Pages 85ff. deal with unlawful association. He begins with the use in the U.K. at the end of the eighteenth century of unlawful association legislation to prohibit the formation of workers? unions. As unions over time became acceptable in the U.K., prosecution of workers for union activities simply proceeded under other names. In Australia (pp.87ff.), far-reaching unlawful association legislation persisted until 2010, when it was replaced by essentially even wider discretionary powers. Again, the language of the legislation is analyzed to demonstrate its sweepingly broad character. Pages 90ff. give details of the use of the powers under the legislation in the first half of the twentieth century against unions, and the way that the use of concepts drawn from Marxism was straightforwardly equated with having as an objective the overthrow of the Constitution and the existing structure of government. Pages 93ff. discuss Canada. Head shows how unlawful association was added as a crime to the Canadian Criminal Code in 1919 as a response to the Winnipeg General Strike, how the legislation was used to harass communists in the 1920s and 1930s, how even though the section of the Code was repealed in 1936 other sections took up the slack, and then finally how the legislation was used as the basis for the suppression of dissent provisions in the War Measures Act used in 1970 during the Quebec October Crisis.

How should we evaluate Head?s book? In one sense, it is repetitive and tough to read, more like reading an encyclopedia than a narrative work. On the other hand, here is an approving comment from the back cover: ?a much needed historically-grounded review of state oppression. Framing the analysis in the context of upper class control of the state, Head presents statutory repression of human rights and democracy as directly linked to political power and the protection of capitalism and private property?. This comment is descriptively accurate ? that is exactly what is going on in the book, with the particular angle that the ?statutory repression? in question is repression by means of statutes defining crimes against the state. The comparative dimensions is interesting: non-Australian readers will learn much about the political and legal history of Australia that they did not know before.

The book, though, is very one-sided. As a philosopher, I was naturally intrigued by the idea that (in his words) Head is going to give us ?the essential nature? of crimes against the state, and is going to ?conceptualize? them for us. And so in a sense he does, but in a strictly normative sense, not an analytical one. Moreover, there is no pretense at a fair and balanced account. The book is a rant ? to be sure, an academic rant, but with all the objectivity of a Fox News expos?, albeit from the opposite end of the political spectrum. That is inadequate for a claim of essence. A person is entirely entitled to give a political reading of history, one then subject to the judgment of historians. A person of a deterministic tilt might even argue that such and such is inevitably the course of history. Both of these are different from claiming that things could not be other than they are because otherwise they would not be crimes against the state. Take for example Jeremy Waldron?s recent book on these matters (Waldron 2010). From a civil-libertarian perspective, Waldron has many things to say about what governments should not do with respect to terrorism, security and the like ? things with which as far as they go Head may well agree. But Waldron also (see especially Chapter 2) lays out a possible normative shape for appropriately reconciling national security and civil liberties. Or take David Cole?s recent essay (Cole 2012) on Presidents Obama and G.W. Bush. Again, Cole has plenty to say by way of showing that civil-libertarians can find much to criticize in Obama?s decisions and policies on national security since he took office. But, Cole argues, Obama is no Bush: Bush?s decisions and policies were still more contemptuous of civil liberties. Or: suppose it to be true, as many in Canada believe, that Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau greatly over-reacted to the situation in 1970 in suspending civil liberties through the War Measures Act. Might it not be true nonetheless that there might be circumstances in which such a piece of legislation would be justified? Now, my point is not that Cole and Waldron, or Trudeau?s critics, are right in these judgments: that debate is for another time. My point is that there exists normative space for these debates to take place. Exactly that normative space is denied by Head?s undefended essentialism.

The blurb writer I quoted above is correct: Crimes Against the State is a much needed book. Citizens and courts far too readily defer to governments when crimes against the state are alleged: citizens and courts are far too ready to castigate those with whom they disagree as traitors and rebels. The role in the operation of the law of sites of economic and political power is underestimated. Head?s spirited and committed book is to be commended for bringing all this to our attention. My doubts are over whether these virtues justify overstatement and bias.


Cole, David. 2012. ?Obama and Terror: The Hovering Questions.? New York Review of Books July 12th 2012.


Waldron, Jeremy. 2010. Torture, Terror and Trade-Offs: Philosophy for the White House. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Copyright by the author Roger A. Shiner.


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Obama announces new sanctions against Iran

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. (Getty Images)President Barack Obama ramped up sanctions on Iran Tuesday as senior aides disputed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's contention that such punitive measures in the past have not slowed Tehran's nuclear program "by one iota."

Mitt Romney's campaign has repeatedly cited Netanyahu's words as part of an effort to paint the president's strategy for keeping Tehran from getting nuclear weapons as a failure and attack him as insufficiently supportive of Israel.

Asked about the prime minister's comments, Obama's deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, Ben Rhodes, told reporters on a conference call that "it is certainly the case that Iran has not yet decided to come in line with their international obligations."

But "we believe the sanctions have had an impact on the Iranian program insofar as they have denied the Iranian government access to revenue that they otherwise would have," said Rhodes. And sanctions have been "making it much more difficult for Iran to procure technology that would be directly relevant to their program."

Robert Einhorn, a top nonproliferation and arms control official at the State Department, said the United States has "a lot of success" in thwarting Iran's efforts to purchase materiel to advance its nuclear and missile program. "We haven't stopped those programs, obviously, but we think these efforts have had an impeding effect," Einhorn said on the same conference call.

"Where we certainly agree with Prime Minister Netanyahu is on the fundamental question that we have not yet seen the Iranian government make a decision to come in line with their international obligations,"? Rhodes said. "So we share very much the assessment of the Israeli government and Prime Minister Netanyahu that the purpose of the sanctions is to change the calculus of the Iranian government with respect to their nuclear program."

"And until they make that decision, we need to continue to increase the pressure," Rhodes said.

Iran stands in violation of repeated U.N. Security Council demands that it freeze its uranium enrichment program.?That process can be a key step towards developing a nuclear weapon, but Iran insists its goals are peaceful. American officials are divided on whether the Islamic republic wants to develop an actual nuclear weapon or, stopping just short of that, the ability to create one. Israel, which is thought to have an undeclared nuclear arsenal, has warned that it cannot tolerate the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran and signaled that it will consider a unilateral military strike to prevent that outcome.

"We continue to be dissatisfied?as Prime Minister Netanyahu is?with Iran's continued failure to live up to its international obligations," said Rhodes.

The new sanctions, announced in a presidential order, aim to tighten the economic vise on Iran's oil exports?its chief source of cash?by punishing firms or individuals that help Iran circumvent existing prohibitions under U.S. law. The Treasury Department also announced sanctions on two financial institutions?Bank of Kunlun in China and Elaf Islamic Bank in Iraq?for facilitating Tehran's petroleum sales.

"Since taking office, we have presented the Iranian government with a clear choice: come in line with your international obligations and rejoin the community of nations, or face growing consequences," Obama said in a statement.?"With these actions, we are once again reaffirming our commitment to hold the Iranian government accountable for its actions."

"The United States remains committed to a diplomatic solution, but the onus is on Iran to abide by its international obligations," Obama said. "If the Iranian government continues its defiance, there should be no doubt that the United States and our partners will continue to impose increasing consequences."

New sanctions also target firms or individuals that do business with the National Iranian Oil Company, Naftiran Intertrade Company, or the Central Bank of Iran, or help Iran's government acquire dollars or precious metals.


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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Could the U.S. Dollar Fade as the World&#39;s Default Currency?

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recently added the Yuan and the Rupee as official trade currencies in their trade finance program, which guarantees currency exchanges between Asian banks. The ADB?s decision was made after noting that:

  • The number of transactions that are settled in the Yuan and the Rupee have increased dramatically in the last year ? Yuan currency trades are up almost 50%
  • The number of banks engaged in bilateral currency trading with China and India continually increases
  • While nearly 90% of currency trades are settled in US dollars, the ADB projects that percentage will fall significantly in the next 10 years

The ADB?s decision to make the Yuan and the Rupee official trade currencies is a clear signal that many of Asia?s banks want to be prepared to adopt a new default currency. If the US dollar continues to lose favor with Asian currency traders, the ADP must be able to guarantee transactions in the Yuan or Rupee.

Why The US Dollar May Fade As The World?s Default Currency

For decades ? and indeed still today ? more than 90% of the globe?s financial transactions are settled in US dollars. This is because many investors feel that the US Dollar is the safest, most stable currency available, making it the best denomination to ?hold? between transactions.

While the recent decline of the Euro has served to bolster the Dollar in the short term, Europe?s challenges with their regional currency have cast doubts on the stability of the US Dollar in the long term. Many believe that the Euro?s decline has been caused poor financial management on behalf of European governments ? specifically, financially unsustainable government spending.

While the US government currently maintains a manageable debt and deficit, the concern for the future is that US government debts will grow to a point where they can no longer be serviced. If that were to happen, the US Dollar would likely suffer a sharp decline in value. Therefore, many banks and financial institutions around the world are investigating alternate currencies.

Singapore Exchange Endorses Yuan As Well

The likelihood that the Chinese Yuan (or renminbi) will one day become the world?s default currency took a small step forward earlier this month, when the Singapore Exchange announced that they would begin to quote, trade, and settle transactions in the Yuan. The Singapore Exchange hopes to become a hub of off-shore Yuan trading, a signal that many in Singapore?s financial industry see the Yuan growing in global importance.

All of these changes show that the Chinese Yuan and Indian Rupee are likely to continue to grow in importance in Asia. Considering that Asian economies could one day account for more than half of all the world?s economic activity, this is big news.

Author Rick Silver covers global currency news for Sunbird FX, a leading Forex trading provider with its Sunbird cfd broker and forex daily analysis.

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