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With a wire transfer of $451.8 million, Elon Musk has finally made good on his promise to repay the hefty loan Tesla received from the Department of Energy well ahead of its 2022 due date, beating even Musk's own five-year estimate. This comes on the heels of a very profitable first quarter, and is yet another sign the electric car maker is doing quite well on the greener side of things, despite a touch of bad press earlier this year. For more on what Tesla has to say about this milestone, check the press release after the break.
Filed under: Transportation
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? French Release
TORONTO (ONTARIO) MAY 21, 2013 ? With a steady rise in the use of the car, and a strong decline in kids getting to and from school and after school activities on their own steam, we have to ask ourselves: are we driving our kids to unhealthy habits?
The 2013 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth, released today, reports that many Canadian children and youth are driven to and from destinations, and assigns a ?D? grade for Active Transportation. Active transportation ? walking, biking, wheeling, in-line skating or skateboarding to get to and from places such as school, parks and shops ? has long been known to be an important source of physical activity for children and youth1,2,3,4 but has seen a rapid decline in the last generation. While 58 per cent of parents walked to school when they were kids, only 28 per cent of their children walk to school today.5 In addition to this generational shift, 62 per cent of Canadian youth, aged five to 17, use only inactive modes of transportation to get to and from school.6
?By driving our kids to and from their destinations, we may be robbing them of an important source of physical activity, and contributing to lifelong unhealthy habits,? says Dr. Mark Tremblay, Chief Scientific Officer, Active Healthy Kids Canada. ?Active transportation presents an easy, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to increase physical activity levels among children and youth, and its benefits are significant. In fact, if we encouraged our kids to walk for trips less than a kilometre, they could bank an additional 10 to 15 minutes of physical activity per trip!?
Barriers, such as distance between home and school, as well as safety concerns, have forced our kids into the car and contributed to the decline in active transportation and overall physical activity levels. Today?s fast paced world finds parents are more likely to drive their children to their end destination if they perceive that driving them saves time or is more convenient.7 And while 66 per cent of Canadian adults agree or strongly agree that their neighbourhood is safe for children to walk to and from school, today?s children are less likely to be allowed to walk or bike to neighbourhood destinations without adult supervision.8
?Today?s youth spend less time walking, and walk shorter distances, than their parents did as children,? says Kelly Murumets, President and CEO, ParticipACTION. ?With only five per cent of five to 17 year olds meeting the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, it is important to find simple solutions to help increase their physical activity levels. By making small changes to the way we travel to destinations, we can have a big impact on the physical activity levels of our children.
Not only will we help get them closer to achieving the recommended Guidelines, but we will also provide opportunities for social engagement with their peers.?
?Active transportation can easily be integrated into everyday life at little or no cost. Collective action needs to be taken ? by parents and families, policymakers, and schools ? to ensure that Canadian children and youth are reaping the benefits of active transportation,? says Jennifer Cowie Bonne, CEO, Active Healthy Kids Canada. ?Schools should consider implementation of safe walk-to-school travel plans and provide bike racks, and government strategies should ensure urban planning that supports safe communities for biking and walking.?
Among the 17 grades assigned in the Report Card, key grades include:
Full copies of the short-form and long-form Report Card, plus free presentations, articles and media materials, can be found at www.activehealthykids.ca.
1?Faulkner GEJ, Buliung RN, Flora PK, Fusco C. Active school transport, physical activity levels and body weight of children and youth: a systematic review. Prev Med. 2009;49:3-8.
2?Larouche R, Saunders T, Faulkner GEJ, Colley RC, Tremblay MS. Associations between active school transport and physical activity, body composition and cardiovascular fitness: a systematic review of 68 studies. J Phys Act Health. 2012. [Epub ahead of print]
3?Lee MC, Orenstein MR, Richardson MC. Systematic review of active commuting to school and children?s physical activity and weight. J Phys Act Health.2008;5(6):930-949.
4?Morency C, Demers M. Active transportation as a way to increase physical activity among children. Child Care Hlth Dev. 2010;36(3):421-427.
5?Stone MR, Mammen G, Faulkner G. Canadian School Travel Planning Intervention Results (National Report). (2010-12). Submitted to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, under the Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) initiative, and Green Communities Canada. April 1, 2012.
6?Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute. 2010 Physical Activity Monitor. Bulletin 12: Transportation among children and youth. Ottawa: Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute; 2012. www.cflri.ca/node/961.
7?Faulkner GEJ, Richichi V, Buliung RN, Fusco C, Moola F. What?s ?quickest and easiest?? Parental decision making about school trip mode. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2010;7:62.
8?Fyhri A, Hjorthol R, Mackett RL, Fotel TN, Kytta M. Children?s active travel and independent mobility in four countries: development, social contributing trends and measures. Transp Pol. 2011;18:703-710.
The Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth is the most comprehensive annual assessment of child and youth physical activity in Canada. Active Healthy Kids Canada works with its strategic partners to develop and disseminate the Report Card. The Children?s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute?s Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group (CHEO-HALO), works with an interdisciplinary Research Work Group that includes top researchers from across Canada, to ensure that the Report Card includes the most up-to-date evidence about physical activity for children and youth. ParticipACTION provides strategic communications expertise and support to produce and deliver the Report Card.
Production of the Report Card is possible through support from The Lawson Foundation, the George Weston Foundation through its Wonder+Cares funding program, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Loblaw Companies Limited, Cardel Place, the MLSE Foundation and provincial and territorial governments through the Sport Physical Activity and Recreation Committee.
Active Healthy Kids Canada is a national charitable organization established in 1994 with a mission to inspire the country to engage all children and youth in physical activity. We provide expertise and direction to policy-makers and the public on how to increase physical activity for Canadian children and youth, and effectively allocate resources and attention to the issue. Our vision is to create a nation of active healthy kids. Advancing knowledge is the cornerstone of our business. Our primary method is the annual Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Through strategic partnerships with funders, governments, non-government organizations, research groups and others, we produce Canada?s most comprehensive yearly assessment of physical activity opportunities for Canadian children and youth.
The Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group (HALO) is located within the Children?s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute (Ottawa, Canada). HALO provides international leadership and research excellence in healthy active living for the promotion of health and wellness in children and youth, including the prevention, management and treatment of obesity. The HALO team is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of research scientists, clinicians, research staff, administrative support personnel, graduate and practicum students, post-doctoral fellows and medical interns and residents. Working with local, provincial, national and international partners and stakeholders, HALO is committed to advancing the understanding and importance of promoting healthy active living, with a mission to preserve, enhance and restore the health and wellness of our most precious resource, our children.
ParticipACTION is the national voice of physical activity and sport participation in Canada. Originally established in 1971, ParticipACTION was re-launched in 2007 to help prevent the looming inactivity crisis that faces Canada. As a national not-for-profit organization solely dedicated to inspiring and supporting healthy and active living for Canadians, it works with its partners, which include sport, physical activity, recreation organizations, government and corporate sponsors, to inspire and support Canadians to move more. ParticipACTION is generously supported by Sport Canada. For more information, visit www.participACTION.com.
For more information, copies of the Report Card or b-roll, to schedule an interview or speak to a spokesperson, please contact:
Kelsey Strickland
Hill + Knowlton Strategies
Stacie Smith
Source: http://www.haloresearch.ca/blog/2013/05/21/are-we-driving-our-kids-to-unhealthy-habits/
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Between WhatsApp, Viber, Google+ Hangouts and a raft of others, the mobile messaging app space is crowded, but recent entrant MessageMe has still managed to make notable headway. After a mere 75 days since its launch, the application has amassed 5 million registered users, up from 1 million in its first ten days. Now, the software is churning out an average of 1,500 notifications per second and handling approximately eight image uploads each second.
For the uninitiated, the app is attempting to woo chatty folks on Android and iOS away from its rivals with the ability to send pictures, doodles, videos, audio, music and location information between two people or a group of friends. Sticker- and money-sending features are poised to bring home the bacon for the firm, but CEO and co-founder Arjun Sethi recently told The Next Web that it doesn't plan to activate them just yet, as it's focusing on attracting more users first. If you're itching for another outlet to dispatch notes to pals, hit the bordering more coverage links to grab MessageMe.
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Check out a performance from the show...
Here are the Rolling Stones performing "Mindight Rambler" during their show in Los Angeles. The show, which was the second and final of the current tour in LA, took place last night per Billboard. During the show, Mick Jagger said the concert was the band's "last gig in California," before quickly adding "For a while."
The tour now moves onto Toronto on May 25th.
Source: http://www.411mania.com/music/news/284824
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Read on home improvement with feng shui.
If you are considering major structural modifications to your floor plan, it is typically best to hire an architect or professional designer. Professional contractors and designers are able to construct and implement efficient plans you need to make sure your project is a success.
Keep your air conditioning filter clean. A clogged up filter causes your air conditioner to work inefficiently and consume more energy. It also result in the unit running longer than it really needs to. Change your filters monthly to avoid buildup.
It is important that you focus your improvement work on the visible portions of your home. Potential buyers base their judgment on things they see, and having unsightly things such as cracked and peeling paint or a yard overgrown with weeds can be a cause for them to walk from a good deal. If your goal is to improve the value of your home, focus on things buyers will notice ? but if you want to create a more comfortable home for yourself, there are plenty of other improvement projects you can work on.
Paint stripes on your old walls before installing panels.Regardless of how much care and caution you use when putting up paneling, the old wall can sometimes be seen showing through the paneling. To cut down on that, measure and mark where each panel will meet before installing.
Consider radiant heat tiles when redoing any tile floors. These tiles use electricity to produce enough heat with your feet. You can do this yourself if you have detailed instructions. This is a project that you can add on whether you are hiring someone or doing it yourself.
Ceramic tile can dull after a while. A mixture of vinegar and water can help looking nice again. Fill a bucket with the solution and start mopping your floor. The vinegar will cut through the grime easily to help put a shine on your floor shining.
The addition of a bathroom to the home can increase the value of your home. This is especially useful if you have rooms on a floor that does not currently have a bathroom. And, you will soon find that, in addition to increasing your home?s value, having a second bathroom comes in handy!
Use a unique container for a coffee table instead of traditional store bought tables. You can even add a small tablecloth and some decorative teacups if you want a country look.
You can drastically increase your home?s value by adding another bathroom. It is common for more than one person to need in the bathroom simultaneously.
Get references from anyone that will be working on a home improvement job on your home. Consider it like you?re hiring someone for a business.Check into their background and ensure that their work.
Fun is an important part of any project. While you do need to take the work seriously, it should still be fun. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Under these circumstances, it is probably best to consider hiring an actual professional.
Bathrooms are very important for those selling a home.Buyers can easily customize the majority of rooms, but they want the bathrooms to be in excellent condition right from the get-go.If your shower and sink aren?t in good condition, replace it. Swap any linoleum floors for tile instead.
Make sure that you utilize all of your spaces have a home when selling your home. For example, make certain that your family room has comfortable and inviting furniture, while your office has functional, you should convey that. This can help buyers imagine what it?s like to live there and give them ideas of how they will do things. Homes that feature well defined spaces are more attractive and make for faster sales.
Consider installing motion lights at your home?s entrance. You can lower your electric bill since the lights only when necessary. Motion detectors can detect thieves at bay.
Make sure you have a plan to dispose of the debris that results from your home improvement projects. You?ll find that trying to handle waste disposal on the fly is both frustrating and expensive; you can save yourself money and headaches by making arrangements ahead of time.
Never forget the important of a quality doors. Your guests will be seeing your door whenever they enter and exit through it.You may be losing a lot of heat through a door that is not insulated. A ratty door can also be a real security concern if the frame or the locks are not recent.
You need to be willing to pay more for speed if you want home improvement done quickly. Most contractors will be pleased to produce swifter work to finish your project more quickly.Just know that more for finishing faster. You will have to pay a higher price for a job you want rushed.
The easy projects can always be worked on after you are already living there.
Creating clearly defined living spaces makes it easier to sell your home. A family room should have appropriate furniture and accessories, as should an office. This can ensure that potential buyers are able to see themselves in your home and plan how they will do things. A home with well-defined areas is more attractive and will sell much faster.
These types of repairs usually require access inside your walls, so it is best to do these repairs before others such as wallpapering or laying new flooring.
As mentioned earlier, feng shui is the art of arranging your furniture in a fashion that promotes good fortune. Rearranging your furniture is a simple home improvement project that can make a big difference.
Best Home Improvement Tips - CBS News Video
Tags: feng shui, hiring someone
Source: http://atozhome101.com/the-top-do-it-yourself-home-improvement-tips/
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By Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's economy is expected to expand at a slightly faster pace over the next two years after growing 6.9 percent in 2012, the World Bank said on Tuesday.
It said it expected inflation in east Africa's second largest economy to average 5-7 percent during the same period.
"Tanzania's economy is expected to grow at an average of 7 percent in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 fiscal years," the World Bank's lead economist in Tanzania, Jacques Morisset, told reporters in Dar es Salaam.
The World Bank's economic report on Tanzania, released on Tuesday, forecasts economic growth of 7 percent in 2013/14 and 7.3 percent in 2014/15.
Morisset said inflation was expected to fall to 5-7 percent during the same period, from 9.4 percent year-on-year in April.
The World Bank added that despite excitement over Tanzania's gas discoveries, economic growth is likely to be driven by five key sectors: communications, transport, construction, manufacturing and financial services.
"The boom in natural gas production may eventually result in an even higher rate of growth, but this will not occur for 7-10 years," said the World Bank.
Gas strikes off east Africa's seaboard have led to predictions the region could become the world's third-largest exporter of natural gas. Tanzania estimates it has more than 40 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of recoverable natural gas reserves.
The World Bank said inefficiency at Tanzania's main port in Dar es Salaam is causing it and six neighbouring countries up to $2.6 billion a year and warned that corruption is also making Tanzanian ports less competitive than some rivals.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/tanzania-growth-average-7-pct-over-2013-2015-114933422.html
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) ? First lady Michelle Obama has some advice for some Tennessee high school graduates: Strike your own path in college and life and work to overcome inevitable failures with determination and grit.
Mrs. Obama spoke for 22 minutes to the Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet High School on Saturday in her only high school graduation speech this year.
The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her own time in college focusing on academic achievements. While her success in college and law school led to a high-profile job, she said, she ended up leaving to focus on public service.
"My message to all of you today is this: Do not waste a minute living someone else's dream," she said. "It takes a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy ... and you won't find what you love simply by checking boxes or padding your GPA."
Mrs. Obama lauded the school ? it's on the site of one of the city's first to educate African-Americans ? for its graduation rate, spirit of volunteerism and healthy food programs. She noted that each graduate was going on to either higher education or the military.
She said MLK reminded her of her own high school experience in Chicago.
"My No. 1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me," she said. "I wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievement. A place where academic success wouldn't make me a target of teasing or bullying, but instead would be a badge of honor."
But Mrs. Obama lamented that not all students have the same opportunities.
"Unfortunately, schools like this don't exist for every kid," she said. "You are blessed."
The first lady told graduates that failure may be a part of their college lives and careers, and that how they respond to any pitfalls will define them.
"That's when you find out what you're really made of in those hard times," she said. "But you can only do that if you're willing to put yourself in a position where you might fail."
Overcoming adversity has been the hallmark of many great people, she said.
"Oprah was demoted from her first job as a news anchor, and now she doesn't even need a last name," she said of media giant Oprah Winfrey. "And then there's this guy Barack Obama ... he lost his first race for Congress, and now he gets to call himself my husband."
Mrs. Obama later presented graduate diplomas on stage and posed for photos with graduates.
"We didn't know we would get to hug her," said graduate Natey Kinzounza, 18. "She's got a great sense of humor. She's like my mom, she's just a very real person."
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/first-lady-high-school-grads-live-dreams-192454000.html
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Emergency personnel respond to one of the people hit by a car, at right, during the beginning of the Hikers Parade at the Trail Days festival in Damascus, Va., Saturday, May 18, 2013. Witnesses said the car drove into a crowd at the parade and hurt several people, but the nature of their injuries wasn't immediately known. (AP Photo/Bristol Herald Courier, Earl Neikirk)
Emergency personnel respond to one of the people hit by a car, at right, during the beginning of the Hikers Parade at the Trail Days festival in Damascus, Va., Saturday, May 18, 2013. Witnesses said the car drove into a crowd at the parade and hurt several people, but the nature of their injuries wasn't immediately known. (AP Photo/Bristol Herald Courier, Earl Neikirk)
Hiker "Quinoa" talks about being given credit for saving the lives of Carson Balckburn, Dalton Thomason, and Faith Ritchie after he ran them and others off the road with a water gun during a festival parade in Damascus, Va., Saturday, May 18, 2013. Just as the children ran off the street, a car came down the road and struck several people. (AP Photo/Bristol Herald Courier, Earl Neikirk)
People attend to a victim who was hit by a car during the Hikers Parade at the Trail Days festival in Damascus, Va., Saturday, May 18, 2013. Witnesses said the car drove into a crowd at the parade and hurt several people, but the nature of their injuries wasn't immediately known. (AP Photo/Republican-American, Bill O'Brien)
People attend to a victim who was hit by a car during the Hikers Parade at the Trail Days festival in Damascus, Va., Saturday, May 18, 2013. Witnesses said the car drove into a crowd at the parade and hurt several people, but the nature of their injuries wasn't immediately known. (AP Photo/Republican-American, Bill O'Brien)
DAMASCUS, Va. (AP) ? Witnesses described a frantic scene and close calls after an elderly driver plowed into dozens of hikers marching in a small Virginia mountain town's parade. Investigators were looking into whether the motorist had suffered a medical emergency before the accident.
About 50 to 60 people suffered injuries ranging from critical to superficial, but no fatalities were reported. Three of the worst injured were flown by helicopter to area hospitals. Their conditions weren't immediately available.
Another 12 to 15 victims were taken to hospitals by ambulance and the rest were treated at the scene, where some paramedics and other first-responders were participating in the parade.
It happened around 2:10 p.m. during the Hikers Parade at the Trail Days festival, an annual celebration of the Appalachian Trail in Damascus, near the Tennessee state line about a half-hour drive east of Bristol.
Damascus Police Chief Bill Nunley didn't release the driver's name or age but said he was participating in the parade and he had traversed the Appalachian Trail in the past. Several witnesses described him as an elderly man.
Nunley said the man's 1997 Cadillac was one of the last vehicles in the parade and the driver might have suffered an unspecified medical problem when his car accelerated to about 25 mph and struck the crowd on a two-lane bridge along the town's main road. The driver was among those taken to hospitals.
"It is under investigation and charges may be placed," Nunley said.
Rudolph "Chip" Cenci, 64, of Minoa, N.Y., told The News-Item newspaper in Shamokin, Pa., that he heard people yelling "get out of the way" and turned around to find the car was about to hit him. He jumped onto the hood and held onto the gap at the base of the windshield near the wipers. He said the driver had a blank stare on his face.
"I bet you that man never realized someone was on his hood," Cenci said.
Cenci said he had a bump on his knee but was otherwise OK. He added that his wife, Susan, 63, narrowly missed being hit.
Amanda Puckett, who was watching the parade with her children, ran to the car, where she and others lifted the car off those pinned underneath.
"Everybody just threw our hands up on the car and we just lifted the car up," she said.
Keith Neumann, a hiker from South Carolina, said he was part of the group that scrambled around the car. They pushed the car backward to free a woman trapped underneath and lifted it off the ground to make sure no one else was trapped.
"There's no single heroes. We're talking about a group effort of everybody jumping in," he said.
Nunley cited quick action by police, firefighters, paramedics and hikers to tend to the victims, including a volunteer firefighter who dove into the car to turn off the ignition. The firefighter, whose name wasn't released, suffered minor injuries.
Mayor Jack McCrady had encouraged people to attend the festival on Sunday, its final day.
"In 27 years of this, we've never had anything of this magnitude, and is it our job to make sure it doesn't happen again," he said.
McCrady said a donation fund was being set up to assist the injured, some of whom don't have medical insurance.
"We want to make sure they don't suffer any greater loss than they already have," he said.
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A new Dartmouth College study finds human-caused climate change may have little impact on many species of tropical lizards, contradicting a host of recent studies that predict their widespread extinction in a rapidly warming planet.
The findings, which appear in the journal Global Change Biology, offer new hope for survival of a creature thought to be doomed
Most predictions that tropical cold-blooded animals, especially forest lizards, will be hard hit by climate change are based on global-scale measurements of environmental temperatures, which miss much of the fine-scale variation in temperature that individual animals experience on the ground, said the article's lead author, Michael Logan, a Ph.D. student in ecology and evolutionary biology.
To address this disconnect, the Dartmouth researchers measured environmental temperatures at extremely high resolution and used those measurements to project the effects of climate change on the running abilities of four populations of lizard from the Bay Islands of Honduras. Field tests on the captured lizards, which were released unharmed, were conducted between 2008 and 2012.
Previous studies have suggested that open-habitat tropical lizard species are likely to invade forest habitat and drive forest species to extinction, but the Dartmouth research suggests that the open-habitat populations will not invade forest habitat and may actually benefit from predicted warming for many decades. Conversely, one of the forest species studied should experience reduced activity time as a result of warming, while two others are unlikely to experience a significant decline in performance.
The overall results suggest that global-scale predictions generated using low-resolution temperature data may overestimate the vulnerability of many tropical lizards to climate change.
"Whereas studies conducted to date have made uniformly bleak predictions for the survival of tropical forest lizards around the globe, our data show that four similar species, occurring in the same geographic region, differ markedly in their vulnerabilities to climate warming," the authors wrote. "Moreover, none appear to be on the brink of extinction. Considering that these populations occur over extremely small geographic ranges, it is possible that many tropical forest lizards, which range over much wider areas, may have even greater opportunity to escape warming."
Article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.12253/abstract
Dartmouth College: http://www.dartmouth.edu
Thanks to Dartmouth College for this article.
This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.
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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/128301/Climate_change_may_have_little_impact_on_tropical_lizards
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DENVER (AP) ? Colorado sheriffs upset with gun restrictions adopted in the aftermath of last year's mass shootings filed a federal lawsuit Friday, challenging the regulations as unconstitutional.
The lawsuit involves sheriffs from 54 of Colorado's 64 counties, most representing rural, gun-friendly areas of the state.
The sheriffs say the new state laws violate Second Amendment protections that guarantee the right to keep and bear arms. Opponents are criticizing the lawsuit as political maneuvering.
The filing targets Colorado laws that limit the size of ammunition magazines and expand background checks. The regulations passed the Legislature this spring and are set to take effect July 1.
It isn't yet clear whether the sheriffs' challenge will delay or jeopardize the laws. The filing, however, guarantees the renewal of a fierce debate over gun control.
Colorado lawmakers passed the restrictions in reaction to the shooting rampage at a suburban Denver movie theater last summer, where 12 people were killed and dozens more were wounded, and the massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.
The gun control debate was one of the most emotionally charged of the legislative session, with lengthy debates and national attention. President Barack Obama added to the attention on the Colorado Statehouse, as his administration unsuccessfully pushed Congress to enact similar gun controls.
Sheriffs' attorneys are considering whether to ask the court for a preliminary injunction, which would block the Colorado laws while the lawsuit moves forward.
The law enforcement community is divided on the issue. In contrast to the sheriffs, the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, which includes urban departments, supports the laws. The chiefs said the measures were "common-sense approaches" to protect the public "while not taking guns from law-abiding citizens in any way."
Unlike sheriffs, police chiefs are not elected.
Democrats maintain the public is on their side, and say legislators carefully crafted the proposals that were signed.
"These laws were not constructed haphazardly," said Democratic Sen. Mary Hodge, the sponsor of the magazine limit. "They were constructed to protect us from massacres like the ones we suffered in Aurora and Newtown."
Relatives of victims of the Colorado shooting criticized the sheriffs for filing the lawsuit and accused them of playing politics.
"As a parent who lost my son Alex at the Aurora theater shooting, I ask these people to put themselves in my place," Tom Sullivan said in a statement. "I do not understand why these politicians are picking guns over people."
Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said he and his colleagues were "not the ones playing politics with this."
"We believe that the Legislature were the ones who were playing politics," he said.
Gun control opponents say the language in the regulations is unclear and doesn't provide safeguards to prevent people from inadvertently breaking the laws.
Ammunition magazines, for example, are easily converted to larger sizes, which the bill bans. Gun rights advocates also say the law expanding background checks doesn't provide enough exemptions for temporary transfers and that people conducting private transactions will have a difficult time getting appropriate checks.
Lawmakers allowed several exemptions in the background check legislation, including transfers between immediate family members, shooting events and temporary transfers of up to 72 hours.
State officials, including Attorney General John Suthers, have worked to defend the intent of the laws. Suthers, a Republican responsible for defending the law against the legal challenge, issued a statement Friday giving guidance to law enforcement on how the magazine limit should be enforced.
He said magazine features "must be judged objectively" and that magazines that hold 15 rounds or fewer can't be defined as "large capacity" simply because it can be modified to include more.
The state has 30 days to respond to the lawsuit.
Find Ivan Moreno on Twitter: http://twitter.com/IvanJourno
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/colorado-sheriffs-sue-over-gun-restrictions-224948873.html
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Just in case that recently announced ChefPad wasn't suited to your tastes, Archos is now introducing a smaller, not-so-kitchen-friendly Android tablet, the Xenon 80. Naturally, the main highlight of this 8-inch slate is that it boasts 3G capabilities, and the company's quick to point out it's SIM-unlocked. Archos also endowed the Xenon 80 with some decent specs, including a vanilla flavor of Google's Jelly Bean, an unnamed Qualcomm quad-core CPU, a 1,024 x 768 IPS display and 4GB of internal storage (expandable to 64GB by way of a microSD slot). And as with other recent Archos tablets, the Xenon 80 carries the proper Google Play credentials, making it easy for you to have access to all your favorite apps. It'll cost a mere $200 when it hits shelves in June, which is on par with competing offerings. Now, whether it's worth taking the plunge, well, you'll have to make that call for yourself.
Filed under: Tablets
Source: Archos
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May 17, 2013 ? Researchers have shown that, by using global positioning systems (GPS) to measure ground deformation caused by a large underwater earthquake, they can provide accurate warning of the resulting tsunami in just a few minutes after the earthquake onset. For the devastating Japan 2011 event, the team reveals that the analysis of the GPS data and issue of a detailed tsunami alert would have taken no more than three minutes.
The results are published on 17 May in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, an open access journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Most tsunamis, including those in offshore Sumatra, Indonesia in 2004 and Japan in 2011, occur following underwater ground motion in subduction zones, locations where a tectonic plate slips under another causing a large earthquake. To a lesser extent, the resulting uplift of the sea floor also affects coastal regions. There, researchers can measure the small ground deformation along the coast with GPS and use this to determine tsunami information.
"High-precision real-time processing and inversion of these data enable reconstruction of the earthquake source, described as slip at the subduction interface. This can be used to calculate the uplift of the sea floor, which in turn is used as initial condition for a tsunami model to predict arrival times and maximum wave heights at the coast," says lead-author Andreas Hoechner from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).
In the new Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences paper, the researchers use the Japan 2011 tsunami, which hit the country's northeast coast in less than half an hour and caused significant damage, as a case study. They show that their method could have provided detailed tsunami alert as soon as three minutes after the beginning of the earthquake that generated it.
"Japan has a very dense network of GPS stations, but these were not being used for tsunami early warning as of 2011. Certainly this is going to change soon," states Hoechner.
The scientists used raw data from the Japanese GPS Earth Observation Network (GEONET) recorded a day before to a day after the 2011 earthquake. To shorten the time needed to provide a tsunami alert, they only used data from 50 GPS stations on the northeast coast of Japan, out of about 1200 GEONET stations available in the country.
At present, tsunami warning is based on seismological methods. However, within the time limit of 5 to 10 minutes, these traditional techniques tend to underestimate the earthquake magnitude of large events. Furthermore, they provide only limited information on the geometry of the tsunami source (see note). Both factors can lead to underprediction of wave heights and tsunami coastal impact. Hoechner and his team say their method does not suffer from the same problems and can provide fast, detailed and accurate tsunami alerts.
The next step is to see how the GPS solution works in practice in Japan or other areas prone to devastating tsunamis. As part of the GFZ-lead German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System project, several GPS stations were installed in Indonesia after the 2004 earthquake and tsunami near Sumatra, and are already providing valuable information for the warning system.
"The station density is not yet high enough for an independent tsunami early warning in Indonesia, since it is a requirement for this method that the stations be placed densely close to the area of possible earthquake sources, but more stations are being added," says Hoechner.
Traditional tsunami early warning methods use hypocentre (the point directly beneath the epicentre where the seismic fault begins to rupture) and magnitude only, meaning the source of the earthquake and tsunami is regarded as a point source. However, especially in the case of subduction earthquakes, it can have a large extension: in Japan in 2011 the connection between the tectonic plates broke on a length of about 400km and the Sumatra event in 2004 had a length of some 1500km. To get a good tsunami prediction, it is important to consider this extension and the spatial slip distribution.
Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/ivC5m9wJeyc/130517085819.htm
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The top 10 contestants perform in white at the "American Idol" finale at the Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live on Thursday, May 16, 2013, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)
The top 10 contestants perform in white at the "American Idol" finale at the Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live on Thursday, May 16, 2013, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)
LOS ANGELES (AP) ? The third time's the charm for Candice Glover on "American Idol."
The booming 23-year-old R&B vocalist from St. Helena Island, S.C., won the Fox singing competition after auditioning a trio of times and making it to the finals this year. Glover looked stunned when "Idol" host Ryan Seacrest announced she bested soulful 22-year-old country singer Kree Harrison from Woodville, Texas.
Glover said backstage after winning she learned to "have fun, live in the moment and be confident."
"Because in previous years I wasn't, so that's definitely the key if you want to audition for the show or have a career," she said.
After her crowning, an emotional Glover sobbed her way through her new single "I Am Beautiful."
Glover's win marks the first time a female and a nonwhite singer has won the competition since Jordin Sparks dominated the sixth season in 2007. The previous five winners ? Phillip Phillips, Scotty McCreery, Lee DeWyze, Kris Allen and David Cook ? were all Caucasian guitar players, known to "Idol" fans as WGWGs, or white guys with guitars.
The lack of a female champion for the past five years was mocked in a finale bit featuring the female finalists, in cahoots with Sparks, jokingly sabotaging this season's five male contestants.
"The good news is 'Idol' leftovers have been doing really well on 'The Voice,'" Sparks teased.
Besides the coronation of Glover, Thursday's finale also served as a farewell for Randy Jackson, the show's last remaining original judge who announced last week that he's leaving "Idol" to focus on his record label and other business opportunities. Jackson served as a judge on all 12 seasons of "Idol." He first appeared on the panel alongside Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul when the competition debuted in 2002, becoming famous for his easygoing "yo, dawg" rapport with contestants.
"I love everybody that walked on this show," Jackson said. He added, "Hopefully, I touched their lives a little bit. They certainly touched mine."
Grammy- and Oscar-winning former "Idol" finalist Jennifer Hudson returned for Thursday's finale to duet with Glover on Natalie Cole's "Inseparable."
"I look up to her and, honestly, she is so successful after this show, and I really admire her," said Glover backstage. "I finally got a chance to not only meet her but sing with her."
Hudson was among the guest stars who helped fill out the two-hour finale show, including Psy, Frankie Valli, Emeli Sande, Jessie J, Aretha Franklin and former "Idol" judge Jennifer Lopez. Current "Idol" judges Keith Urban and Mariah Carey ? along with Jackson on bass ? also performed.
Jackson previously declared Wednesday's three-song showdown a dead heat between Harrison and Glover, who have both once been among the show's low vote-getters during the finals.
"The title is freaking amazing, and I'm so proud of Candice, but for me, I'm so thankful I could even stand next to her on the finale," said Harrison, who now lives in Nashville, Tenn.
Last year's finale between Phillips and budding pop diva Jessica Sanchez brought in 132 million votes. The vote totals for Thursday's finale weren't shared with viewers.
AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen contributed to this report.
Fox is a unit of News Corp.
Follow AP Entertainment Writer Derrik J. Lang on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/derrikjlang .
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Cook rubbishes complacency talks ahead of New Zealand series ? Cricket News Update
England skipper Alastair Cook, on Wednesday said that they will not take New Zealand as an easy opposition in the just to begin two-match Test series, commencing at Lord?s on Thursday, May 16, 2013.
Cook and Co was accused of complacency during their trip to New Zealand in March this year, where they failed to win even a single match in the three-Test series, despite being the favourites, finishing the series 0-0. Cook, however, did not agree that his side took the Black Caps lightly in that series, though he agreed they had not played as well as they could have.
?I don't think we were complacent at all,? Cook said at a pre-match press conference on Wednesday.?
?I don't think anyone who saw our build-up, or was involved in our build-up, would. I don't think there was complacency around, but we didn't play as well as we could have done: that's the bottom line,? insisted the home skipper.
The left-handed top order batsman also urged his players to be at their best in the just to begin two-Test home series against Brendon McCullum and Co.
?I think every Test series you play for England is a hugely important series, it doesn't matter what has gone before,? said the 28-year-old Gloucestershire batsman.
?We are fully focused on these two weeks of Test cricket versus New Zealand. We have to be at our best to win,? he added further.
Cook, who took over as England?s Test skipper in September last year, after Andrew Strauss retired from international cricket, was also happy to see ace spinner Graeme Swann and right-arm medium pacer Tim Bresnan returning to the squad for the New Zealand series, and hoped the duo?s return will give England?s bowling attack a cutting edge which they lacked during their trip to New Zealand.
Both Swann and Bresnan underwent elbow surgeries earlier this year, and were last declared fit for the opening Test against the Black Caps.
?It's great to have Graeme fully fit after his elbow surgery; you want your best players available,? said Cook, a veteran of 64 One Day Internationals.
?It's obviously great to have Bressie back. His elbow surgery has gone well. ?I think you miss every experienced player who doesn't play. You can't buy experience,? concluded the English skipper.
The first Test of the two match series will be played at Lord?s from May 16 to 20, while the second five-dayer will be hosted by Leeds from May 24.
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